Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Let's play catch up

Oh my, I haven't had the opportunity to write anything in nearly 2 months. Ridiculous huh!?

Well.. Luke drives me nuts most days. Don't get me wrong. I love him but he follows me around the house crying all day.. and I get very overwhelmed easily.  He got his top 4 teeth ALL AT ONCE. and.. we had to work on the house, and do all of these things to get it ready for the final inspection.

Today is October 2nd, and I am happy to day that we have lived in our new home for a week and a half now.  The first few nights were odd. It was strange sleeping in a different place than I had for the last 5 years.. but I will tell you that I have slept better every night in this house than I ever did in the old house... well except the night I woke up and threw up my dinner. I guess I had a 24 hour bug. I felt horrible but then I woke up the next day and I felt great.

So Raegan has started headstart.  I was so nervous when she began.  But I have been so surprised at how amazingly well she has blended into the class of 10 children.  The teacher, Mrs. Pebworth, says that Raegan is the most advanced student in the class.  She knows all of her numbers, colors, and ABC's frontwards, backwards and randomly.  Raegan is eager to learn as well.  I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when I was told this.  I taught Raegan all of these things because I felt I wasn't doing a good enough job, but it turns out I was doing something amazing.

The fall semester has started, I haven't done so well.  Its been so frustrating, with Luke, and moving, and now that I've actually got the internet in the new house, it shouldn't be a problem.  I will say for the millionth time that I am so ready to graduate from college.  I am almost there though.

In other news,  I have decided again, that I really want to write a book.  I guess I've been talked into it, I think it'd be an amazing experience to write something about myself.  Even if it is only for my own documentation.  I like the idea of having something that can be passed down through my family.

My only problem is I have no idea where to begin, I've got help but sitting down and actually doing it is going to be the hardest part.  I do pretty while as a procrastinator.  I don't feel as confident about my own work.  and I hate doing things alone.  I like having someone to reassure me that what I am doing is good, and right.  Reassure me please.

Mocha.  I wouldn't mind some Starbucks.  Its officially Fall! My favorite part of the year.  Autumn is a name I have on my list if we have another little girl. ;) Random thought. I know.  I'm just trying to think through Luke's snoring.  He's currently lying across my lap...nursing as I type. Goofy image.

Well I suppose I'll have to write more later as it comes to my mind.

so the main idea of this blog is randomness and..Our new home is amazing and I am so happy to finally be in it! The next step is to finish going through our things, and move the old house.

I'll write more later.


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