Monday, December 14, 2015

What does it even matter.

Tonight I'm in the hospital. My neurologist ordered a test a few months ago and its finally getting completed.  I spent the night before with Salena and she spent most of the day with me. I was hooked up to monitors.  I spent the day in the bed, playing on the phone, talking and just randomly chatting with people.

I had a few visitors. Grandma, Uncle R.H., Evelyn, and Elisha.  The day wasn't particularly boring. I was surprised by how fast it went by. Its 9:10 p.m. now. The neurologist came and spoke to me. She was nice but she managed to upset me.  Its always really hard to explain this head pain I have felt since the accident. No one else knows what it feels or felt like. Even if medication has helped, it doesn't take away the years of pain that I felt and the years that I felt like no one believed me.

Its really frustrating. All of the nurses kept coming to check on me and then finally the doctor told me that I could go to sleep. Of course I don't feel like sleeping. I've slept 3 hours since yesterday. I'm just angry and upset. I'm sure this test will be normal. As is every test I always have. Its always normal.

I'll just breathe deeply and sleep this off. I don't suppose there is anything else that is going to make me feel better.
