Thursday, August 9, 2012

A New Chapter

Raegan has officially began a new chapter in her life.  I can't believe she's in pre-k!.  The first day (yesterday) was hard, frustrating.. and overwhelming.  I was on the verge of crying but held my tears back.  Raegan didn't want me to leave but the teacher (Mrs. Pebworth) insisted that Raegan would be better if I left.  Psh.. what does she know anyways.  atleast that is what I was thinking.

This morning Raegan cried from the moment we walked out of the house, until I left her in the classroom.  Its so hard to leave your child crying.  I came home and started to feed Luke, when I got a call from Brian saying that Raegan had cried so hard she threw up every where.  So I had to listen to Luke scream the entire way back to the school, and all the way home because he was hungry.  I counted the minutes until 2 o clock.  I then drove to the school.. and was surprised to find Raegan playing and happy.  She wasn't thinking about me, or crying.. or  anything! I can't believe how well she was doing.

The teacher saw me peeping through the window and waved for me to come in the room.  I walked in and the teacher went on and on about how AMAZING Raegan did.  She even told me that Raegan needs pull ups.. and that she peed in the potty.  I can't believe it.  I've tried for over a year to get Raegan to use the potty.  Raegan only screamed and cried until I took her off.. and all of a sudden, 2 days at school and she wants to be a big girl!..

I don't even know who this child is! I am excited and happy for her! I know she will have so much fun with all of her new little friends.  I felt so much guilt for not having her around more children.. but maybe that guilt will subside some.  So I spent today with Luke, playing in the floor.. and a little house work.. but I pretty much just did whatever kept him from crying.  The house is so quiet and empty without Raegan here.  I don't even know what to do with myself.

In other news, We're still waiting for the brick to be done, waiting for flooring, and electric.......... and theres nothing I can do but wait .... until they come.. and of course they don't work thursday and friday.. so I will spend all weekend hoping that someone will come on Monday.

Brian spends most of next week in Oklahoma City for some work thing.  and my birthday is Wednesday! I will be a whopping 24 years old.  I don't even know where the time went.  It seems to fly by so fast.  I hope 24 is a great year!.

and.. Classes begin on the 20th.  I hope this semester is good.  and not stressful, and that I can manage school and Luke during the day!

Well I hope to write again soon, hopefully I will have more updates on the house and fun things to share about Raegan and Luke!

Oh.. and Luke, he's into everything, So fun, and playful. I love him to pieces. 7 months is a fun age!

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