Friday, September 6, 2019

Its been four years.


I took a drive yesterday and I noticed the trees were changing very subtly but there was this one that reminded me of this picture and I cried. I remember exactly how I felt when this picture was taken. I remember the air. I remember my thoughts. I remember how every little thing has played out since that day. I keep thinking I need to get back to where I was. I need to get back to that person and I can't. I remember second grade when my class learned about how smart these little white rats were. They were trapped in a maze. No matter where they were they could always find their way out. They could always find the finish line. No matter how many times my brain retraces its steps I can't find my way out. I feel stuck in this cycle. In this rut that gets deeper and deeper. I'm stuck knee deep and I can't get out.

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