Saturday, December 29, 2012


Most days I am okay. I can tolerate some things, let things roll of my shoulders but I really get annoyed and angry with hateful bitter people.  I have never encountered anyone as bitter as the person I have in mind. I've never received a compliment, nor encouragement from this person.  I can "kill him with kindness" but it doesn't keep me from feeling so bothered by him.  I don't know if he thinks that being the way he is will intimidate people or scare them? I'm not scared of him..

I don't want to toot my own horn, but I care deeply about my family, I encourage people.  I don't life my life..just because I'm alive and there is nothing else to do. I pursue happiness. I do things that make me happy, that make memories, will change lives and change the world.  I don't want to live a bitter life, I don't want to be bitter or hateful towards people.  I enjoy helping people, I don't leave them stranded.

My children are my babies, I'd support them in any way I can, I want them to be responsible and caring people.  I wouldn't throw them out of a boat and say sink or swim.  I don't want to be remembered as someone who was hateful, or didn't care about anything.  I want people to remember good things about me.

My FIL is the most hateful, rudest person I've ever met.  Anytime I tell someone about the way he is.. they say.. "oh thats just how the B*******'s  (insert last name here) are." and my reply is.. "that doesn't make it right"..

Just because I was neglected, and abused doesn't mean... "thats just way I have to be"... I don't know why he's so hateful, why he isn't encouraging. Just because I don't work, doesn't mean I'm lazy.  I am raising my children... something he knows nothing about.  I am in college. Something he knows nothing about.  but he'd rather me work a minimum wage job to support my family than to acquire an education that will allow me to have a higher paying job.

I don't want to be remembered as someone who intimidates people, or belittles people.  I want to be someone who inspires people.  I want to set an example and show my children that they can achieve anything, that they can be happy and they can live a good, clean, healthy life.

I know too many people who cheat, steal, lie and take advantage of people.  I don't want to take advantage of anyone and I don't want to be taken advantage of.

Someday. as bad as it is.. I won't have to tolerate so much negativity.  I can live a stress free life w/o hateful, ungrateful, unappreciative, bitter people looming over my shoulder.

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