Saturday, May 12, 2012

What I think.

Okay no one has asked me my opinion on the Times Magazine Cover.. but.. :) I shall tell you anyways.

My opinion is that a mother should breastfeed her child as long as her child wants or needs it. Every person parents differently.  Nothing annoys me more than how the world views breastfeeding.

My personal opinion is that breastfeeding is something beautiful that was created by God and perverted by man.  I follow my instincts and I believe that allows me to be a better parent.  I don't like comparing myself to an animal.. but I guess in a sense we are all the same.  Naturally a woman has instincts that tell her and guide her on how to care for her children, and to raise them.  I don't mind a doctors advice but I prefer to follow my instincts and let my child do things at her own pace.  I understand that there are many mothers who have to work.  I understand that breastfeeding can be frustrating and that some mothers can not handle the pressures of work, their daily lives and breastfeeding.  When I had Raegan, I was a stay at home mom but I chose to formula feed. This time with Luke, I am still a stay at home mother, but I am breastfeeding Luke.  I can tell you with certainty that both experiences were and are completely different.  Raegan is still a healthy, smart and beautiful 3 year old little girl but I feel like I have a much closer bond with Luke, than I did with Raegan.  But I suppose I could also attribute how I feel about my bond with my children to their ages, Raegan is 3 and much more independent.  Luke is 4 months old and depends on me for EVERYTHING.

I enjoy being with my children everyday.  I have my moments where I would love to be with my husband.. but I'd prefer him to be home more with all of us than just alone with me.  Parenting is so hard, I won't lie.  It is a huge commitment.  Once I knew I was pregnant with Raegan, I had to evaluate myself, my life, my values and what I wanted as a parent.  My goal is to raise healthy, beautiful, caring, loving, dedicated children who love to serve others.. and wish to pursue change.  I want my children to know they can be successful and happy without seeking riches or fame.

I believe spending every day with my children gives them stability that I never had, breastfeeding Luke gives he and I a bond that I never shared with my mother.  I've never let either of my children "cry-it-out".. You may believe that's best for your family.. but I believe that if my child is crying, its for a reason.  Everyone swore up and down that Raegan was being manipulative when she cried, which was totally not true. She's such a sweet little girl, and is so funny and bright.  She is such a blessing.  I rocked Raegan to sleep every day for the first 3 years of her life.  My mom never rocked me to sleep, never held me when I cried, never kissed my booboos. I never felt comforted by her.  I believe my purpose as a mother is to defend, protect and love my children unconditionally.

I never realized that wearing your child in a wrap or sling was considered attachment parenting.  To tell you the truth I don't know anything about attachment parenting, I haven't read anything about it, but maybe I should become more informed about it.  I do everything how I want to, as I know my family and children best.  But wearing Luke in a wrap is so much easier than the days I had to carry Raegan around everywhere in a car seat, I love that Luke rests his head on my chest as I walk around wal-mart or wherever I'm shopping.  He listens to my heartbeat, and My tight embrace comforts him and makes him feel protected.  What is sweeter than that?

I don't know if I've even made how I feel clear in my post, I just feel like parenting would be so much easier if we listened to our body and instincts.  No lie, after I felt Luke, I could feel something I never felt when I first held Raegan.  It was most definitely my instincts, it was almost as if I felt a force of energy around me.  I will most definitely parent my future children the same way.  I wish I had breastfed Raegan, I believe wholeheartedly that my Post Partum experience would have been so much better and easier.  I also will breastfeed all of my future children.  It is best for my family. and I have all of the time in the world to devote to them, to nurture, cuddle and enjoy them. So I say screw the world and breastfeed your children as long as you want. We should all strive to be amazing parents, The children we raise today will be in control of the world around us in the future.  We should raise children who are compassionate, and want a better tomorrow not only for themselves but for everyone around the world.


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