Friday, April 27, 2012

Procrastination at its best.

Today has gone by fast.. I suppose. I've just been around the house.. I've done at least one load of laundry.  I made myself get dressed, even though I'd prefer to be in sweats, and bra-less in a tank.

Raegan, Luke and I just got back home from eating a late lunch at Subway. I like Subway yes, but if you eat something healthy then its not bad..right? just go with it.

No one has been out here today (working on the house).. Brian called me from work, he got tickets for the Playoffs OKC Thunder VS. Dallas Mavericks.  Cool. The game is tomorrow night. Lame.

I'm not really a fan of sports, so naturally he'd want to take someone other than me. no big deal I wouldn't enjoy it.       but there is nothing else for me to do except stay home with the kids.. which I do every day. No biggie.. I'm not complaining.. but I'd enjoy doing something with him. blah. either way. I hope he has fun and that its a safe trip... so I can hold it over his head when I want to do something. :)

I still haven't started my homework. I keep telling myself to do it.. but If anyone knows anything about me and homework. I always do it last minute.. and I always manage to get it done/pass. (of course thats no reason to procrastinate...) Procrastination adds stress cause I knowwww I need to do it. I just have Junioritus.. (kinda like Senioritus)

blah. I've torn the house up... Raegan somehow manages to lose all of her shoes.. We bought her a pair of flip flops from Old Navy.. apparently the house ate them. I've looked in and under everything and I've found no trace of them.  So she was wearing another set of flip flops and now I can only find ONE of them... sooo I found some sandals.. that she hasn't worn in forever but they're somehow the perfect size now.. lets hope she doesn't lose them.

I guess we'll find all kinds of things when we officially start moving into our new house. Cd's, shoes, batteries, socks, underwear... I bet they're all hiding in the same place. ugh.. where ever that is.

Raegan is currently sorting through her crayons.. and Luke is bouncing and kicking in his bouncer.  He pooped this morning. I didn't notice until it was running down his back and into the seat of his jumperoo. So I've got to clean that next. Oh and he decided to projectile spit-up all over the blanket that I washed yesterday.

My work never ends.  The kids always make sure there is something for me to do.

On that note, I am going to go give Raegan a shower.. and  rub all of the black and orange marker off her fingers, toes, stomach and legs.

Because that is what mommies do.


1 comment:

  1. Lol! I love reading your blogs. The randomness makes me smile. Ashtin loses her shoes all the time too! She even managed to lose one of Levi's shoes... :/


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