Saturday, April 21, 2012

I just killed a fly.

Today my little family attended a family reunion for my husband's father's side.  It was nice. Especially to visit with his sister and niece and nephew.  It was mostly a bunch of old people though.

Once we got home Brian had to go to work.  Raegan is playing on the porch and Luke is swaying in his jumperoo.

I've had nightmares for the last 3 nights. except last night. When I was pregnant with Raegan, I had very vivid crazy dreams.  But I had zero with Luke. Maybe those dreams are catching up with me now.

My first nightmare was that Brian's stepdad beat his dog's head in with a hammer. and I kept screaming for him to stop but I had no voice.  :(

and my next nightmare was that Someone was trying to kidnap Raegan.  I don't remember the 3rd nightmare. But last night I had a dream that I was an employee at Lowes. and I had to go to the bathroom.  The stalls were in the middle of the store. and anyone could walk by. Well in my dream I was in one of the stalls and I was standing up, (with my pants down..hahaha) and one of the employee's opened my stall door...and all of the customers saw all of my bits... I spent my whole dream mad at the employee and trying to get her fired.. but I woke up and I have no idea what happened after that.

I got my photobooks in the mail today! I ordered them from Snapfish.  They had a special where you could buy as many as you wanted, half priced.  I got one for Raegan and one for Luke.  I must say I am very pleased.  Even though I've seen those pictures a million times.. they look so pretty in a book that is bound together.

I don't know about you.. but I am so ready for tomorrow.  Brian has tomorrow off. I spend all week waiting for Sunday. I enjoy spending time with him. I feel pretty lonely without him.  Seems once you get married and have kids.. everyone kind of goes their own way. well.. not everyone. I attract the crazy people. They're the only ones who want anything to do with me. *BANGS HEAD ON WALL*

Sigh. Luke is hungry. Gotta feed him.

Have a good day. :)


1 comment:

  1. Trying this again...
    I said something like...I have been having crazy weird vivid dreams also. It made me take a pregnancy test lol. Negative, whew.
    Aaand I said something about how I still need to order snapfish prints.
    Aaand I also said that your title is misleading and that I was disappointed not to hear about the fly


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